Open Waters: ZMR Broadcasters Award 2019
Todd Mosby - Imrat guitars, acoustic guitar, fender rhodes, synth bass.
Michael Manring - fretless bass
Charlie Bisharat - violin
Fiona Joy Hawkins - piano (A New Land, Dolphin Song)
Lola Hennecki - vocals, piano
Tom Eaton - fender rhodes, synth pads, shakers
Premik R Tubbs - wind synth, bansuri flutes, soprano sax
Jeff Haynes - percussion
Steve Bankuti - drums
Noah Wilding - vocals
Todd Mosby - Imrat guitars, acoustic guitar, fender rhodes, synth bass.
Michael Manring - fretless bass
Charlie Bisharat - violin
Fiona Joy Hawkins - piano (A New Land, Dolphin Song)
Lola Hennecki - vocals, piano
Tom Eaton - fender rhodes, synth pads, shakers
Premik R Tubbs - wind synth, bansuri flutes, soprano sax
Jeff Haynes - percussion
Steve Bankuti - drums
Noah Wilding - vocals
Todd Mosby - Imrat guitars, acoustic guitar, fender rhodes, synth bass.
Michael Manring - fretless bass
Charlie Bisharat - violin
Fiona Joy Hawkins - piano (A New Land, Dolphin Song)
Lola Hennecki - vocals, piano
Tom Eaton - fender rhodes, synth pads, shakers
Premik R Tubbs - wind synth, bansuri flutes, soprano sax
Jeff Haynes - percussion
Steve Bankuti - drums
Noah Wilding - vocals
“Acclaimed guitarist Todd Mosby features one of a kind Imrat guitar on a nautical voyage with a host of Grammy performers. This concept album brings the listener into a mythical world immersing each song in an instrumental palette of beauty and sound…”
“A marvelous, mystical thread connects each song to the other and to our hearts. This sojourn across open waters is a “must have… the music on “Open Waters” is as fresh and authentic as it gets, just like the sea…”
Open Waters is the second in a series of concept albums, this one reflecting the sea, its life and mythology. In particular it charters the journey out of a cataclysmic Atlantean continent towards a new land.
Imaginary Roads Studios - Windham County, VT May 2018, July 2018
Universal Noise Studios - Newburyport, MASS August 2018
Village Recording Studios - Los Angeles, CA August 2018
PRODUCERS: Will Ackerman & Tom Eaton
MIXED & MASTERED: Tom Eaton, Universal Noise Studios, Newburyport, MASS.
GRAPHICS: Laurel Canyon Creative
PHOTOS: Parker Mosby
PUBLICITY: Presto Publicity
PROMOTIONS: Music Promotions Inc., Lazz Promotions, Crossover Media Promotions